What does Hexadecimal mean?
Hexadecimal, also known as base-16, is a numeral system that uses 16 symbols, 0-9 and A-F, to represent numbers. Unlike the common decimal system that uses 10 symbols, hexadecimal provides a more compact representation of binary data in computing. It's commonly used in computer programming, web development, and data encoding to represent color codes, memory addresses, and data values. By representing 4 bits of binary data in a single hexadecimal digit, it simplifies the process of converting between binary and decimal, making it easier to read and understand. For example, the binary number 10011011 can be represented as the hexadecimal number 9B, which is more memorable than its binary equivalent. The conversion process involves grouping binary bits into groups of 4 and converting each group to its equivalent hexadecimal symbol. Overall, hexadecimal provides a convenient and efficient way to represent and manipulate binary data in computing.